News release

Province to Host Second Rebuilding HOPE Conference

Opportunities and Social Development
Participants engage in lively discussion in this file photo from the first Rebuilding HOPE conference in 2023.

Participants engage in lively discussion at the first Rebuilding HOPE conference in 2023. (Province of Nova Scotia / File)

People with disabilities, their families and other Nova Scotians will come together later this month to share experiences and help shape the future of disability support services in Nova Scotia.

On Saturday, March 29, the Province is hosting the second Rebuilding HOPE conference, which will also include service providers, advocates and government officials.

“Real change happens when we listen, share ideas and work together,” said Scott Armstrong, Minister of Opportunities and Social Development. “The Rebuilding HOPE conference is a chance for people with disabilities, families, service providers and advocates to connect and talk about the Nova Scotia Human Rights Remedy and the once-in-a-generation change it’s bringing. These conversations make sure the people most affected are leading the way as we build a stronger, more inclusive Nova Scotia – now and for the future.”

The conference takes place at four locations – in Middleton, Halifax, New Glasgow and Sydney – from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and people can also participate online.

Registration is free and open until Tuesday, March 25, at: . In-person tickets are limited and available first-come, first-served.


“I’ve never been involved in anything like this before. It's a great conference and a strong step toward closing institutions. It’s encouraging to see the Province moving in this direction. Being part of a provincewide event without having to travel makes it even more accessible. It is great to hear what’s happening and have a chance to contribute.”
John Cox, member, People First Nova Scotia

“The Rebuilding HOPE conference was an invaluable opportunity to connect, learn and collaborate with other families, service providers, experts and government officials. I was able to attend the last session in Cape Breton in person last year. Beyond the connections, I was able to learn about the changes and better equip our family to support our daughter for an inclusive future and life in the community. Meaningful change happens when diverse voices unite to share experiences, challenge concepts and inspire new possibilities. There will be many changes in 2025, and this conference is a chance to be informed, amplify your voice as families and strengthen our collective commitment to advancing inclusion.”
Jane Gillis, parent and advocate

Quick Facts:

  • the first Rebuilding HOPE conference was held on November 4, 2023; about 1,200 Nova Scotians participated
  • the conference supports the transformation of disability support services in response to the Nova Scotia Human Rights Remedy, a five-year, legally binding agreement that guides the government’s work to address discrimination against people with disabilities

Additional Resources:

Background information about the Nova Scotia Human Rights Remedy is available at:

Progress and updates on transforming disability support services:

News release – Bursaries for Disability Support Training Programs:

News release – Progress Update on Disability Support Transformation:

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