News release

More Support for Nova Scotia Beef Industry


Beef processors in Nova Scotia can now access support to upgrade and expand their facilities.

“Nova Scotia farmers and processors create jobs, produce quality food that feeds families and run businesses that fuel a healthy economy and communities,” said Agriculture Minister Greg Morrow. “Supporting beef abattoirs and meat processors means we can produce more local beef for people to buy here at home.”

The Beef Abattoir and Processing Assistance Program is part of the Nova Scotia Beef Initiative, which is aimed at increasing productivity in the sector.

Eligible costs for the program include new equipment and supports to help processors meet their food safety, animal-welfare and environmental requirements. The program will be administered by Perennia.

Nova Scotia’s beef abattoirs and processors will be eligible for up to 60 per cent funding assistance on total eligible project costs to a maximum of $15,000 for abattoirs and $5,000 for meat processors working with beef.


“This program is an important part of the Province’s beef initiative which we are proud to be part of. The Department is committed to more beef being grown and processed here in the province and for it to be identifiable to Nova Scotia consumers. This new program is a forward-thinking investment in our vital abattoir and processing infrastructure that will help make that possible.”
Lynne Godlien, Chief Executive Officer, Perennia Food and Agriculture

“Having this funding available to beef abattoirs and processors to increase productivity will help ensure Nova Scotians continue to have access to quality local beef. Supporting our Nova Scotia beef abattoirs and processors is fundamental to the success of the Nova Scotia beef feedlot sector; as producers we need to know there is adequate processing capacity in our province to get cattle processed in a timely and efficient manner.”
Jacy McInnis, beef producer and steering committee member for the Nova Scotia Beef Initiative

Quick Facts:

  • the Beef Abattoir and Processing Assistance Program is supported with $330,000 from the Province’s beef initiative
  • in 2023, beef generated more than $42 million at the farm gate; the agricultural sector generated $753.9 million in farm gate revenue in total
  • the Nova Scotia Beef Initiative is allocating $1.4 million to new beef extension programs and services over the next two years
  • there are more than 380 licensed beef producers in Nova Scotia, with11 provincially inspected beef abattoirs and 86 licensed meat processing facilities

Additional Resources:

Nova Scotia Beef Initiative:

Nova Scotia Cattle Producers:

News release – More Government Support for Nova Scotia Beef Production: Https://