Province Reaches Deal with Crown Attorneys
The Province has reached a new four-year agreement with the Nova Scotia Crown Attorneys’ Association, which represents 126 Crown attorneys working in the Nova Scotia Public Prosecution Service.
“I thank the association, the negotiating teams and all Crown attorneys for the important work they do every day on behalf of Nova Scotians,” said Justice Minister Becky Druhan. “We came to the table in good faith, and I am pleased that we were able to reach an agreement.”
The contract includes:
- economic increases of three per cent on April 1, 2023; 0.5 per cent on March 31, 2024; three per cent on April 1, 2024, two per cent on April 1, 2025, and two per cent on April 1, 2026
- a classification adjustment for all Crown attorneys
- an on-call compensation adjustment
- removing the restricted senior Crown counsel classification
- enhancements to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility language and efficiencies in the hiring process.
The contract runs from April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2027.
“The Nova Scotia Crown Attorneys' Association welcomes this new employment agreement as an important investment in the province’s justice system. On behalf of all Nova Scotia's Crown attorneys, who work every day to ensure justice for vulnerable victims of crime, I want to extend our appreciation to the Province for its commitment to recruiting and retaining the dedicated professionals Nova Scotians deserve.”
— Brian Cox, President, Nova Scotia Crown Attorneys' Association
Quick Facts:
- including the Crown attorneys agreement, more than 300 settlements have been reached through the collective bargaining process since 2021
- the agreement was reached with the support of a conciliator