Tree for Boston Cutting Ceremony
The tree-cutting ceremony for Nova Scotia's annual gift to the City of Boston was held today, November 20, in Mattie Settlement, Municipality of the County of Antigonish. The Province sends a huge Christmas tree - this one is a 13.7-metre white spruce - to Boston as a thank you for sending medical personnel and supplies to Nova Scotia within hours of the Halifax Explosion in 1917. The news release about this year's gift is at:

Marie Pictou, an Elder from the Paqtnkek Mi’kmaw Nation, performs a smudging ceremony over the Tree for Boston in Mattie Settlement, Municipality of the County of Antigonish, today, November 20. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Hugh and Liz Ryan, donors of this year's Tree for Boston, thank everyone for attending the cutting ceremony. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Peter Keddy, a distribution forester with Nova Scotia Power, cuts the Tree for Boston. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Seven-year-old Hugh Ryan, grandson of tree donors Hugh and Liz Ryan, walks away with a wedge from the Tree for Boston. (Communications Nova Scotia)

The Tree for Boston is loaded onto the trailer for its trip to the Boston Common, where it will be lit on December 5. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Sandra Johnston, Manager of Outreach and Education with the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables, holds three of the red spruce seedlings that were given out at the Tree for Boston cutting ceremony. (Communications Nova Scotia)