News release

Foster Family Appreciation Week, Op-ed

Community Services
NOTE: The following is an op-ed from Brendan Maguire, Minister of Community Services.

Each year, in communities across the province, children are welcomed into the homes of foster caregivers. As a child, I was one of them.

More than once, I found myself on the doorsteps of foster caregivers. They made sure I had food in my belly, clothes on my back and a roof over my head when none of those things was a guarantee. They provided safety and stability when I needed it most. Their unconditional love and support served as the daily reminder I needed to truly believe I was deserving of those things.

The road wasn’t always easy for me, and I didn’t always make it easy on the adults around me. But over and over again, foster caregivers showed up for me – not because they had to, but because they wanted to. Because that’s what good caregivers do.

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of the foster caregivers in my life. Their kindness and care have shaped who I am as a person – from a child in care with no sense of self-worth, to proud father and partner, to MLA for Halifax Atlantic and now Minister of Community Services, where I have the unique opportunity to support the caregivers and social workers who fought so hard for me.

October 14 to 18 is Foster Family Appreciation Week in Nova Scotia – a chance to thank all our foster caregivers in this province for opening their doors, their arms and their hearts to young people like me. You are making such a huge difference to so many. It is certainly not easy, and a simple thank you doesn’t feel like enough – but it’s a start.

Thank you for all you did for me, and for what you continue to do for all children who need a safe and caring place to call home.