Independent Monitor Report on Implementation of Disability Remedy
The first report of the independent monitor appointed to track the government’s progress implementing the human rights remedy in a landmark case concerning housing for people with disabilities was issued today, July 31.
The report by Michael Prince, a professor at the University of Victoria and expert in disability issues and social discrimination, is available on the commission’s website at:
Mr. Prince was appointed in accordance with the interim consent order and settlement agreement in the matter of Beth MacLean, Sheila Livingstone, Joseph Delaney and Disability Rights Coalition of Nova Scotia vs. Province of Nova Scotia. The expert monitor role was established to provide unbiased assessment and public reporting on the progress of a five-year plan to address the issue of community housing for people with mental and physical disabilities who have historically been housed in institutions.
The parties in this matter jointly selected Mr. Prince, who is under contract with the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission until the Province fulfills the terms of the interim settlement remedy recommendations.