News release

Province Advances Work on Offshore Wind Road Map

Natural Resources and Renewables (to December 2024)
clean energy
wind road map

In this photo from Module 2 of the Province’s offshore wind road map, DEME vessel Orion loads wind components at Woodside Wharf, Halifax Harbour, for the Vineyard 1 project.

The Province has released the second module of the offshore wind road map, which lays out its plan to develop a robust supply chain for the emerging sector.

“A strong, local supply chain and robust infrastructure are critical to the successful development of an offshore wind sector,” said Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables. “Wind speeds off Nova Scotia are world class, rivalling even the winds of the North Sea where the offshore wind sector started. We’re poised to leverage our strengths, including our expertise, infrastructure and our strategic location, to become a leader in the offshore wind market in partnership with all interested parties.”

Module 2 outlines the government’s plan to build the solid foundational pieces needed for the offshore wind industry supply chain. This includes planning and developing ports, helping businesses and communities prepare to participate in the industry, and training an essential, varied workforce. The offshore wind market is experiencing rapid growth throughout the world, so building Nova Scotia’s supply chain is necessary to avoid bottlenecks and ensure growth.

The Province’s strategy to develop a best-in-class supply chain includes:

  • examining existing marine sector supply chains and emphasizing Nova Scotia’s strengths, assessing gaps and analyzing future needs
  • ensuring equitable access to opportunities in the industry among First Nations, African Nova Scotian businesses and other underrepresented and underserved groups
  • preparing infrastructure for future industry needs
  • ensuring regulatory coordination and efficiency for suppliers.

The third and final module of the offshore wind road map will be released next year and will focus on feedback from the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia, fishers, environmental organizations, academia, communities , industry, the research community, ocean users and other interested parties. Module 3 will also consider input gathered through the federal-provincial regional assessment on offshore wind development, which is expected to be completed in early 2025. Engagement will continue after the third module and throughout the life cycle of the offshore wind industry.

The road map project is funded through the Province’s climate plan – Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth. The plan is helping to create a cleaner and more sustainable future for all Nova Scotians by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the growth of a clean energy sector and developing the skills to support it, empowering communities to take action in response to the changing climate, fast-tracking the path to net-zero and more.


“This is an important step forward for the development of the offshore wind industry in Canada. While we are in the very early stages of establishing the industry, Module 2 of the Nova Scotia Offshore Wind Roadmap is a milestone that helps us move in the right direction, outlining early, practical steps to facilitate local and inclusive supply chain development. Offshore wind presents a major opportunity for our members who have the strengths, experience and capabilities to support future projects. This strategy is critical to our members who, together with Marine Renewables Canada, remain deeply committed to the responsible development of the offshore wind sector in Nova Scotia and beyond.”
— Elisa Obermann, Executive Director, Marine Renewables Canada

Quick Facts:

  • Module 2 was informed by targeted engagement and feedback from Nova Scotia suppliers, communities, Indigenous groups, and organizations with interests related to offshore wind development
  • the first module explains Nova Scotia’s approach to site selection, seabed licences and support mechanisms
  • the Province set a goal of offering licences for five gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030
  • offshore wind has the potential to help Nova Scotia and Canada achieve climate change goals and support a global transition to low-carbon energy
  • Nova Scotia is committed to responsible development of its natural resources, balancing environmental, social and economic interests

Additional Resources:

Nova Scotia’s offshore wind road map is available at:

Comments on the road map and requests for additional information can be submitted to:

News release – Province Releases Offshore Wind Road Map (Module 1):

News release – Province Sets Offshore Wind Target:

Our Climate, Our Future: Nova Scotia’s Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth:

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