More Access to Child Care for Families in Halifax

An early childhood educator reads to children in this file photo. The Province announced today, May 10, funding for the expansion of the child study centre at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. (Communications Nova Scotia / File)
Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU) will add more spaces to its child study centre in Halifax and expand the age groups it serves with funding support from the provincial and federal governments.
This will help meet the need for child care in the community and enhance the education and professional development of aspiring early childhood educators in the university’s child and youth study program, while offering research opportunities in the field.
“We are pleased to support the expansion of MSVU’s child-care facility. Families need greater access to reliable and affordable child care, and we need more professionals to provide that care,” said Becky Druhan, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. “We’re proud of the work MSVU is doing to help meet the needs of families in the community.”
The larger facility will add an additional 82 spaces and introduce up to 32 infant spaces. Parents who are on the existing wait list will be given priority.
Design work is underway; construction is expected to take about two years.
MSVU will also explore offering flexible hours at the centre to accommodate shift workers, particularly healthcare workers.
This initiative is part of the Canada-Nova Scotia Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, which supports the child-care system so all families have access to affordable, high-quality and inclusive care when and where they need it.
“Nova Scotia’s post-secondary institutions play an important role in helping to address labour shortages and prepare the next generation. MSVU’s expanded centre will help prepare early childhood educators for the workforce while providing quality care for children in this learning environment. We’re proud to support investments like this that will make a real difference for families.”
— Brian Wong, Minister of Advanced Education
“These new child-care spaces at Mount Saint Vincent University will make life easier for parents and students in the community. We will continue working with Nova Scotia to meet our shared goal of creating 9,500 new child-care spaces across the province by March 2026."
— Jenna Sudds, federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development
“An investment in early childhood really is an investment in brighter futures and better societies. We are tremendously grateful for the provincial and federal government investment announced today through which we will ensure that MSVU continues to serve as the region’s go-to resource for best practices in early childhood for years to come. Not only will this funding create more child-care spaces and support research of sector-wide benefit, but it will also mean expanded teaching capacity in support of greater numbers of students pursuing early childhood education as their chosen profession.”
— Joël Dickinson, President and Vice-Chancellor, Mount Saint Vincent University
Quick Facts:
- MSVU’s child study centre currently operates a full-day program for 40 children from 18 months to five years
- the expansion is expected to cost $10 million, with $2 million from the Province, $3 million from the Canada-Nova Scotia Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement and $5 million from the university
- Nova Scotia, in partnership with the federal government, now invests $333 million annually in early learning and child care
Additional Resources:
MSVU child study centre:
Employment and Social Development Canada news release – Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia Release Early Learning and Child Care Action Plan:
More information on early learning and child care is available at: