News release

Water, Wastewater, Sidewalk Upgrades for Annapolis Valley

Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)
Municipal Capital Growth Program

Upgrades to water, wastewater and sidewalks in several Annapolis Valley communities will help support business and future growth in the region.

“We need municipal services to match the growth we’re seeing in the Annapolis Valley,” said John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Improving our water and wastewater services and infrastructure in this region will help provide the support needed in this beautiful part of our province.”

Projects include:

  • upgrades to the water system in the Town of Wolfville
  • upgrades to wastewater systems in the Municipality of the County of Kings, the Town of Kentville and the Village of New Minas
  • a new, accessible sidewalk on Summer Street in Canning.

The Province is investing nearly $4.4 million, with an additional $4.6 million contributed by the Town of Wolfville, the Municipality of the County of Kings, the Town of Kentville and the Village of New Minas.

The projects are part of the Municipal Capital Growth Program, a one-time $102-million investment in projects across Nova Scotia – a historic provincial investment in municipal infrastructure.


“This funding will help the Town of Wolfville as we complete the installation of a source water production well, develop a new well site and continue the construction of new water transmission lines in two locations. These infrastructure initiatives are needed for the growth that is taking place in Wolfville.”
Wendy Donovan, Mayor, Town of Wolfville

“One of our critical responsibilities is to seamlessly ensure the function and viability of critical assets that serve every resident. Wastewater systems are one important example. Contributions like this one enable us to maintain first-class, enlarged capacity, underground assets that support all of our communities.”
Peter Muttart, Mayor, Municipality of the County of Kings

“The Village of Canning would not have been able to have the new sidewalk installed on Summer Street if not for the funding help from the Province. With the completion of this sidewalk, we are able to provide safer places for people to walk, children to get to school and to keep our community active.”
Angela Cruikshank, Commission Chair, Village of Canning

Quick Facts:

  • the Municipal Capital Growth Program, announced in February, was designed to respond to the infrastructure needs of municipalities and addresses critical issues such as housing, climate change, accessibility and growth

Additional Resources:

News releases about the Municipal Capital Growth Program and projects are available at