News release

Water Storage Upgrade in West Hants

Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)
Municipal Capital Growth Program

The Province is investing in new infrastructure that will benefit residents and business in West Hants Regional Municipality.

A new municipal water storage tank will service Windsor and West Hants water utilities, providing benefits that will extend to water systems in Three Mile Plains and Falmouth.

The storage tank offers additional storage and capacity that will be required in the future for population growth. The expansion to the water distribution system allows the flexibility and downtime required to properly maintain the current water treatment plant. The additional storage tank also will lower operational risks in the event of a breakdown to help reduce and lower the severity of service interruptions to customers.

“West Hants represents an example of the provincewide growth that we’re seeing in industry and in our population. We need the municipal services to match this growth,” said Melissa Sheehy-Richard, MLA for Hants West, on behalf of John Lohr, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Expanding our water storage capacity will ensure clean water for our families and our businesses, providing the support needed in this beautiful region of our province.”

The water storage project is a $6.1-million investment, split equally between the Province and the West Hants Regional Municipality.

The project has been approved for design and tendering. Once the tenders are closed, the recommended bidder will be brought to West Hants council for approval.

The project is part of the Municipal Capital Growth Program, a one-time $102-million investment in projects across Nova Scotia – a historic provincial investment in municipal infrastructure.


“Funding for water distribution projects is integral for the continued growth of municipalities. This funding from the Province will assist West Hants in meeting its regulatory requirements as well as providing the necessary capacity to meet current and future growth.”
— Abraham Zebian, Mayor, West Hants Regional Municipality

Quick Facts:

  • the Municipal Capital Growth Program, announced in February, was designed to respond to the infrastructure needs of municipalities and addresses critical issues such as housing, climate change, accessibility and growth
  • projects have also been announced in Pictou and Liverpool

Additional Resources:

News releases about the Municipal Capital Growth Program and projects are available at: