Photo collection

Wastewater Upgrades Announcement in Pictou County

Premier's Office
Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)
Premier Tim Houston announced funding for the Salem wastewater extension project at an event in Salt Springs, Pictou County, today, April 12. The news release about the announcement is at:

Photo of Premier Tim Houston speaking at a podium

Premier Tim Houston speaks during the announcement in Salt Springs. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Photo of Premier Tim Houston speaking to a senior citizen

Premier Tim Houston speaks with an attendee following the announcement. (Communications Nova Scotia)

Photo of Premier Tim Houston, Pictou West MLA Karla MacFarlane and Pictou County Warden Robert Parker

From left, Premier Tim Houston, Pictou West MLA Karla MacFarlane and Robert Parker, Warden of the Municipality of Pictou County (Communications Nova Scotia)

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