News release

More Funding to Support African Nova Scotian Housing

African Nova Scotian Affairs
Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)

The Province is increasing its investment in long-term, community-led housing in three African Nova Scotian communities.

The additional support for the Preston Area Housing Fund will help ensure the organization is set up for long-term success. Funds will assist with ongoing maintenance, repairs, staffing, administration and property management costs associated with close to 50 provincially owned housing units that will soon be transferred to the organization, as well as help it plan for future growth.

“Our government is committed to the collaboration, investment and work needed to remove systemic barriers and support community-based housing opportunities for African Nova Scotians so they can stay in and grow their communities,” said African Nova Scotian Affairs Minister Twila Grosse, on behalf of Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr. “We are listening and acting, and today’s historic investment in the Preston Area Housing Fund will set them up for success for years to come so they can provide support and leadership in their communities to create more sustainable community-owned housing now and in the future.”

The units that will be owned and managed by the housing fund are in North Preston, East Preston and Cherry Brook-Lake Loon. This new investment of $5 million brings the total investment to $8.5 million. The government had previously provided $3.5 million to support the repair, maintenance and sustainable operation of the units.


“These funds will equip us with the tools to develop plans for future growth. We are thankful for the partnership we have with African Nova Scotian Affairs and the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Also, we are grateful for the collaboration of our working project management team, led by Davis Pier. Housing is stability. Housing is dignity. Housing is absolutely necessary for our livelihood. This critical infrastructure is much needed in the Preston area.
— Kerry C. Johnston, Executive Director, Preston Area Housing Fund

Quick Facts:

  • the Province signed a memorandum of understanding with the Preston Area Housing Fund on January 30
  • the units identified for transfer to community ownership were developed under a variety of federal and provincial housing programs that no longer exist
  • the $5-million investment falls under the 2023-24 budget year

Additional Resources:

News release – Province Takes Action on Barriers to African Nova Scotian Housing:

News release – More Funding For Black-Led Community Housing:

Mandate letter for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing:

Our Homes, Action for Housing: