News release

More Housing Options for Healthcare Workers in Guysborough, Port Hawkesbury

Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)
Health and Wellness
health workforce
Action for Health

New housing is coming soon for healthcare workers in Guysborough and Port Hawkesbury.

Two more modular housing sites under the housing for healthcare program could provide housing for about 25 healthcare workers and their families, with some units ready for occupancy by early April.

“We know our valued healthcare workers are in need of housing, especially in communities with limited housing options, and we are working diligently with our partners to create accessible and welcoming housing options for them, close to amenities and healthcare workplaces,” said Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr. “These homes are modern and spacious, and it is our hope they will provide a safe and comfortable environment for our hard-working healthcare workers to come home to after providing critical health services to Nova Scotians.”

Through consultations with stakeholders and other government departments, Guysborough and Inverness County were identified as areas in need of housing for healthcare workers. Between the two sites, there will be 12 units in total.

The Port Hawkesbury site in Cairdeil Estates will have four modular homes, all with three bedrooms, close to amenities and the Strait Richmond Hospital, ready for occupancy at the beginning of April.

The Guysborough site in the village of Sunnyville will house eight modular homes, all with two bedrooms, close to amenities and the Guysborough Memorial Hospital. Work on this site is expected to begin in late May.

A Lunenburg site announced in September will have 10 to 12 one-bedroom units and six townhouses for families. Due diligence work is complete, demolition work has started and the first units should be ready for healthcare workers later this year.

The Housing Trust of Nova Scotia is overseeing the housing for healthcare initiative. The Province and the trust continue to work with healthcare stakeholders, landowners and municipalities to identify additional locations for housing in areas identified as having acute need.


“Nova Scotia needs more healthcare professionals and we’re working hard to attract people from all over the world to our province. Housing – especially in more rural areas – is an important part of making our province a welcoming and attractive place for people, and ensuring they stay here once they arrive.”
Trevor Boudreau, MLA for Richmond, on behalf of Michelle Thompson, Minister of Health and Wellness

“It has been very rewarding working with the Province to manage the housing for healthcare program. This program is extremely important as it is not only about providing housing and addressing the healthcare crisis. We believe by building accessible and good quality spaces for healthcare workers and their families, they will come to work and support our healthcare system but also stay to build a life and help grow our communities. We are very focused on identifying sites and partnerships and that has taken time. We are very proud of our progress to date and are looking forward to seeing our healthcare professionals make these spaces their home.”
Angela Bishop, Executive Director, Housing Trust of Nova Scotia

Quick Facts:

  • the four modular units in Port Hawkesbury are repurposed from the modulars for wildfire program
  • healthcare workers will be given priority to rent the units at the Guysborough and Port Hawkesbury sites with rents based on income; if there are vacancies, skilled trades professionals will also be given priority
  • the program represents a $45-million dollar investment in housing for healthcare workers – $20 million was announced in early 2023 and an additional $25 million was allocated for the 2023-24 budget year
  • recruiting and retaining more health professionals is one of six solutions in Action for Health, the government’s strategic plan to improve healthcare in Nova Scotia

Additional Resources:

News release – Modular Housing Options for Healthcare Workers:

Our Homes, Action for Housing:

Action for Health: