Project Funding To Attract Healthcare Workers to Valley

Dr. Omorede Osayande’s children (L-R) Zena, Esohe, Oghosa and Nida (in back), cheer for their hometown Valley Wildcats at a Berwick hockey game social event organized by the Mid Valley Region Physician Recruitment & Retention Committee. More than 100 people attended the social including physicians, medical professionals and their families, some watching hockey for the first time. (Contributed)
Three community groups in the Annapolis Valley will use a video, social engagements and appreciation events to attract and retain new healthcare workers and their families to Annapolis Royal, Lawrencetown and Middleton.
These new projects and more will receive funding through the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment (OHPR) Community Fund.
“Attracting new healthcare workers and engaging them and their families with local supports translates to long-term success for our community,” said Chris Palmer, MLA for Kings West, on behalf of Michelle Thompson, Minister responsible for the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment. “This funding ensures local communities can show off the best their area has to offer and inclusively bring in new recruits who’ll hopefully soon feel at home and appreciate what we have to offer.”
The three organizations, their projects and funding amounts are:
Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation - $99,963 for healthcare recruiting projects under the banner “Making the Mid Valley Home.” Plans include networking opportunities for students and healthcare professionals to promote local career options, connecting through African culture programming, and several appreciation and outreach events.
Village of Lawrencetown - $22,020 to create new marketing materials to help attract physicians to the area and host several planned social events to welcome newcomers
Town of Annapolis Royal - $7,500 to produce a new promotional video showcasing all the town has to offer for work, life and play
In total, 30 organizations across the province will receive support through the OHPR Community Fund this year. More details will be announced in the coming weeks.
The fund, established in 2022, is an action item in Action for Health, the government’s plan to improve healthcare. It supports community healthcare recruitment and retention initiatives organized by local non-profit organizations, charitable community groups, cultural organizations, member-based organizations and boards, municipalities and chambers of commerce.
“Annapolis Royal is an awesome place to live and work. We can’t wait to attract more healthcare workers here with a new video showing off our lifestyle and home.”
— Mayor Amery Boyer, Town of Annapolis Royal
“Creating strong connections with our newcomers and appreciating how they add to our community is key to our work. We have lots to do and great plans for ways to welcome and include our healthcare workers and their families into our activities, lives and homes.”
— John Smith, Chair, Soldiers Memorial Hospital Foundation
Quick Facts:
- the OHPR Community Fund supported 28 community-led recruitment and retention initiatives in 2022-23, investing more than $1.5 million into a range of projects, including healthcare worker recognition events, online support tools, marketing videos and even a community garden
Additional Resources:
OHPR Community Fund news releases:
Fund guidelines and details are available at:
Action for Health:
Mandate letter of the Minister of Health and Wellness and Minister responsible for the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment: