News release

Seeking Solutions for Clean Electricity

Premier's Office
Natural Resources and Renewables (to December 2024)

Experts in the energy sector will help chart Nova Scotia’s course for renewable electricity and reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force will explore ways to modernize Nova Scotia’s electricity infrastructure and regulatory environment.

“We’re a national leader in fighting climate change with some of the most ambitious goals in the country,” said Premier Tim Houston. “There’s a massive amount of clean energy coming our way through innovative new solutions. We need to be ready for it so Nova Scotians have clean, reliable electricity at an affordable price.”

The task force will:

  • examine electricity infrastructure needs for reliability, capacity and storage to meet climate change goals
  • examine connections to other essential services such as telecommunications
  • review the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board Act in terms of electricity generation, transmission and rates
  • engage subject matter experts, the Mi’kmaq and other interested Nova Scotians.

The task force includes Alison Scott, a former energy regulator and deputy minister, and John MacIsaac, a former utility executive, who have decades of combined experience in the energy sector.

The task force will submit a final report with recommendations in early 2024.


“We are transforming how electricity is delivered in this province. We need to make sure our electricity infrastructure and regulations support this transition to clean energy. I look forward to the insight and recommendations that the task force will bring. They will help us secure a bright, sustainable future for Nova Scotia.”

– Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables

“Nova Scotia is undergoing its biggest energy transformation in a century. The Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force will thoughtfully and methodically gather as much information as possible to help government make evidence-based decisions regarding modernizing the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in Nova Scotia.”

– Alison Scott, Chair, Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force

“Around the world, we’re all working with the challenges of getting to net zero. Nova Scotia has many renewable energy opportunities. Our electricity infrastructure and regulations were generally built over the last century so it’s essential that we are best equipped for the next one. This task force presents a fresh set of eyes, supported by input from energy and environmental stakeholders, Indigenous people and subject matter experts, to make recommendations to government on solutions for clean electricity.”

– John MacIsaac, member, Clean Electricity Solutions Task Force

Quick Facts:

  • Nova Scotia is committed to getting off coal and generating 80 per cent of its electricity from renewables by 2030
  • the Province set a goal to offer leases for five gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030 to support green hydrogen projects
  • Nova Scotia’s transmission and system operator was last independently assessed through an external report commissioned by the former Department of Energy in 2009
  • the work of the task force is aligned with the Province’s climate action plan
  • secretariat support will be contracted to help the task force arrange consultations, collect feedback and prepare a final report