News release

Funding Supports Community Housing Sustainability, Repairs

Municipal Affairs and Housing (to November 2024)

The governments of Canada and Nova Scotia are investing more than $13 million through the Community Housing Infrastructure and Repair Program to help seven community housing organizations transform their operations and complete repairs to existing units.

“Having a vibrant community housing sector is critical to ensuring an adequate supply of affordable housing options for Nova Scotians,” said Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing John Lohr. “Investments like this help to preserve existing homes and strengthen organizations for future development and growth.”

Nearly $5 million in funding will be allocated to help preserve, renew and grow co-op housing through the amalgamation of two small housing co-operatives – Gimme Shelter (12 units) in Sydney and New Armdale Westside (26 units) in Halifax – with Compass Nova Scotia Co-operative Housing Ltd.

This will allow the organizations to leverage the governance model and administrative experience of Compass to make their operations more sustainable and complete necessary capital repairs.

Four other co-operatives and one non-profit housing provider in Nova Scotia are also receiving more than $8 million in forgivable loans to complete necessary capital repairs to their buildings, including health and safety improvements such as upgrades to electrical systems and fire safety equipment. The funding will help preserve 145 affordable units.

Organizations receiving funds are:

  • Dartmouth Non-Profit Housing Society, 57 units, Dartmouth: $2,558,600
  • Evangeline Court Housing Co-operative Limited, 27 units, Wolfville: $1,045,100
  • Spanish Bay Housing Co-operative (part of Compass Nova Scotia Co-operative Housing Ltd.), 18 units, Sydney: $2,458,100
  • Fresh Start Housing Co-operative Limited, 30 units, Lower Sackville: $1,388,500
  • Needham Housing Co-operative Limited, 13 units, Halifax: $557,500

The Community Housing Infrastructure and Repair Program is jointly funded through the Canada-Nova Scotia Bilateral Agreement, under the National Housing Strategy, to support the preservation of existing community housing units and long-term sector sustainability. Support through the program is focused on community housing units where mortgages are maturing and federal operating subsidies under the Social Housing Agreement are coming to an end.


“Everyone in Canada deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. Our government will continue to support new and innovative ways to create more affordable housing for Canadians across the country, including through hundreds of units right here in Nova Scotia. This is the National Housing Strategy at work.”

– Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion

“Nova Scotia’s rising crisis of affordability in housing is so acute that it not only affects low-income households but also the middle class. This provincial and federal investment in co-op housing will ensure more Nova Scotians can enjoy living in secure and affordable co-operative housing for years to come.”

– Karen Brodeur, Atlantic Regional Manager, Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada

“The purpose of Compass Nova Scotia is to intentionally sustain, grow and build inclusive co-op housing communities. We are led by our values of sustainability, inclusion and collaboration. With the support of the Community Housing Infrastructure and Repair Program, Compass Nova Scotia is able to sustain the current homes that will provide affordability, safety and inclusion within the community for generations to come.”

– Keith MacDonald, President, Compass Nova Scotia

Quick Facts:

  • more than 1,700 households in Nova Scotia live in co-op housing
  • on July 13, the Province introduced the Community Housing Acquisition Program, which allows community housing providers to access up to $10 million per project in repayable loans to support the purchase of existing rental units
  • in April, the Province announced $2.5 million to create a new Community Housing Growth Fund to help co-ops and non-profit housing providers build capacity and expand non-market housing supply
  • Canada's National Housing Strategy is an ambitious 10-year plan that will invest over $72 billion to give more Canadians a place to call home; launched in 2017, it will build and repair thousands of housing units and help households with affordability support

Additional Resources:

A Healthy Nova Scotia: Solutions for Housing and Homelessness:

Affordable Housing Commission recommendations:

Mandate letter of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing:

National Housing Strategy:

Compass Nova Scotia:

CHF Canada: