News release

2021 Recipients of the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award of Excellence for l’Acadie and Francophonie of Nova Scotia

Acadian Affairs and Francophonie

It was announced today, March 19, that six Nova Scotians are the first recipients of the Lieutenant Governor’s Award of Excellence for l’Acadie and Francophonie of Nova Scotia.

The award, created in August 2020 by Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc, recognizes people whose social, economic or cultural contributions have made a difference in the francophone community and in Nova Scotia as a whole.

“I am delighted that these distinguished individuals have been selected to receive the award,” said Lt.-Gov. LeBlanc. “Their efforts have not only contributed to the francophone community, but they have also played a role in preserving, promoting and celebrating our important Acadian history, heritage and culture. I very much look forward to presenting them with the award when the circumstances permit.”

The award recognizes outstanding citizens across three categories: a francophone, a francophile – someone who is not francophone but supports and promotes French language and culture – and a youth recipient under the age of 25. For the inaugural offering, two recipients per category were selected and in all subsequent years there will be one recipient per category.

The first recipients of the award are:

  • Jude Avery, Larry’s River, Guysborough Co. (francophone category)
  • Louis E. Deveau, Dartmouth, HRM (francophone category)
  • Rebecca A. Lancaster, Halifax, HRM (francophile category)
  • Sally Ross, Tantallon, HRM (francophile category)
  • Adrien Comeau, Saulnierville, Digby Co. (youth category)
  • Mbathio Thiam, Coxheath, CBRM (youth category)

The recipients were selected by an independent selection committee comprised of representatives from Université Sainte-Anne, la Fédération acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Alliance Francaise Halifax, the Office of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie, a francophone recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia or Order of Canada, and a youth member. In future years, the committee will include a former recipient of the award.

The recipients will be recognized at a ceremony at Government House at a date to be announced.


“Congratulations to the first-ever award recipients for their contributions to our rich, diverse Acadian and francophone community and province. This prestigious award, through these outstanding recipients, recognizes the impact of French language and Acadian culture for our province’s heritage and our future.”

– Lena Metlege Diab, Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie

Quick Facts:

  • Lt.-Gov. LeBlanc is the first Acadian to hold the appointment of Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia
  • it is customary for Nova Scotia’s lieutenant-governors to establish awards that recognize excellence during their time in office and this is the second award to be created during the tenure of Lt.-Gov. LeBlanc, following the Award for Culinary Excellence created in March 2019 with the Nova Scotia Community College
  • the award was developed by the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia and the Office of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie