Heating Assistance Rebate Program Launches Today
Five-thousand more households in the province will be able to receive help with home heating costs this season through an enhanced Heating Assistance Rebate Program (HARP).
The rebate provides up to $200 to help Nova Scotians heat their homes. The application process opens today, Oct. 16.
This year, income thresholds have increased from $27,000 to $29,000 for single households and from $42,000 to $44,000 for family households.
"The heating assistance rebate program already provides help to more than 40,000 households across the province and I am pleased to be able to extend that support to even more families this year," said Service Nova Scotia Minister Geoff MacLellan. "I encourage all eligible Nova Scotians who can benefit from this program to apply.”
Applying online or on your mobile phone is the fastest way to receive the rebate. Those who apply online can also check the status of their application using the online system. People registered for direct deposit with the Canada Revenue Agency will have their rebate deposited directly to their bank account.
“We are pleased that the Heating Assistance Rebate Program is being improved to make it easier for people to apply,” said Kevin McKay, operations manager at Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank in Halifax. “Parker Street provides assistance to the community, but the need that we see is so much more than the help that we can give.
“Anything that continues to assist the community where our ability falls short is something we are happy to promote.”
Paper applications are still available at Access Nova Scotia Centres, Community Services' offices, MLA offices and at more than 70 community groups and other locations across the province.
For more information, to apply online, or to print a paper application form, visit http://www.novascotia.ca/heatinghelp.