News release

New Rules for Transportation of Liquor

Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation

Nova Scotians now have clear rules regarding the transport of unopened liquor in motor vehicles. Drivers in Nova Scotia will not be prosecuted for having unopened liquor in a motor vehicle.

Changes to the Liquor Control Act, which were introduced this spring, come into effect on Monday, Aug. 15.

"These changes make clear what is acceptable in terms of the transportation of liquor," said Ernest Fage, Minister responsible for the Liquor Control Act.

The changes do not, however, diminish the province's commitment to the enforcement of responsible alcohol consumption.

"This serves as a good opportunity to remind everyone about the importance of drinking responsibly," added Mr. Fage. "Nova Scotians are expected to abide by the law and to avoid drinking before operating any type of vehicle."

As a result of the changes to the act, liquor may be transported: in the trunk or another part of a vehicle designed for carrying baggage or goods; behind the rear seat of vehicles that do not have a trunk (such as vans or hatchbacks); in an exterior compartment; or in a place that is not readily accessible to any person in a pickup truck.

Cases where liquor is open -- the cap or cork is removed -- in a motor vehicle will continue to be prosecuted.

Additional changes to the act include permitting the transportation of liquor to any location where a person is permitted to have or consume liquor. Previously, liquor could only be transported to a place of residence.