News release

Investigation into Little Sackville River Fish Kills

Environment and Labour (Oct. 2000 - March 2008)

ENVIRONMENT/LABOUR--Investigation into Little Sackville River Fish Kills

The Department of Environment and Labour is working with the federal departments of environment and fisheries and Halifax Regional Municipality to determine the cause of the fish kills reported over the weekend in the Little Sackville River.

The department first learned of the incident Friday afternoon. An investigator was on the scene Friday evening and again Saturday to collect water samples. These have been sent to a lab for testing, which will take two to three days to complete. In the meantime, fish from the lake have been sent to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for analysis.

Environment and Labour staff observed fish are returning to the affected area over the weekend, indicating that the river was recovering.

"There is no indication that there is a health risk to the public at this time," said Dr. Robert Strang, medical officer of health, Capital Health District. "We will continue to work with the Department of Environment and Labour and advise the public as necessary."

Dr. Strang did advise that as a precaution children should be kept away from the area while he waits for further information.

The Little Sackville river is not a source of drinking water.

Additional updates will be issued as new information becomes available.